“Love Packages to fill eager hands with God’s Holy Word.”
What a great mission, spreading the Word of Jesus to people eager to hear and read His Word. Picking up Bibles and other Christian Literature left over from Sunday Schools, at yard sales, book sales, etc. Book drives and libraries are often happy to have people pick up left over Bibles and often give them free to a worthy cause. All literature is sent to a warehouse where volunteers sort and pack materials which are often requested by missionaries. This year alone over 400 tons of materials have been sent overseas. To learn more about this mission, contact Jan Heaton at 410-231-0522.
Located in Frakes, KY., this began as a settlement school in 1925 by a Methodist minister, Hiram Frakes, on land donated by local families. Today it provides multiple programs and activities for the community.You can help by praying for Henderson Settlement, volunteering your time and talents, donating new/good used clothing, household items, toys, assorted baby items, collecting Campbell’s Soup UPC bar codes, sponsoring a craft event, and by your financial support. To learn more about this mission or to volunteer, contact Barb and Lee Sowell at 443-964-4669 or email
Malaria is caused by microscopic parasites call plasmodia. There are four kinds of human malaria, each caused by a different kind of plasmodium. Humans get malaria from the bite of an infected anopheles mosquito. The parasite has two life cycles, one in humans and one in anopheles mosquitoes. Only by completing both life cycles can plasmodia continue to live – and thrive.
The U. S. eliminated malaria by attacking mosquitoes and mosquito breeding places. Massive amounts of DDT were sprayed at ground level and from the air. The mosquitoes developed resistance to DDT and it was no longer effective. The teen and tween ministry has organized special day events to raise money and awareness through their SCHOOL's OUT EVENTS.
The N.M. Carroll United Methodist Home for the Aged, Inc. is an affiliate of the Baltimore-Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church that offers housing to low income senior citizens. We collect offerings and special items for the N.M. Carroll Home so that it can continue to extend its essential services for the well-being of the elderly and handicapped residents. To learn more about this mission, contact the Church Secretary at 410-257-2761 or email
Project Heifer helps families around the globe lift themselves from hunger and poverty, based on the “feed a man a fish and you’ve fed him for a day, but teach him to fish and you’ve fed him for a lifetime.” We are best known for our dairy cow & goat programs which began in 1944 and are sent to families around the world, but in many cases other animals are better suited to the cultures and environment. We collect Save your soda cans, aluminum, brass, copper, etc. as all recycling monies goes to Project Heifer.
As many of you know our church has been supporting the Christmas outreach program at Red Bird Mission in Beverly, KY for more years than we can remember. It started with collecting hats, mittens, and such in the month or so before Christmas and sending them to Red Bird Mission.
In more recent years, we found out that they actually wanted the items by early October in order to sort them and decide which families needed which items. Also, on their website there was a list of specific needs. Those included school supplies, children’s clothing, hygiene items, toys, and Bibles among other things. Mt. Harmony-Lower Marlboro responded in our normal, generous fashion over the years. The postage became high, especially with heavy items such as notebooks and large shampoos.
To maximize this year’s benefits to the Red Bird community, we are going to concentrate on monetary donations. The communion offering for September will be included. Please write “Red Bird” on the memo line of your check or put cash in a labeled envelope, anytime up to the last Sunday of September. At that point we will send the total contributions to the mission. You can see more about their programs at
COME AND WALK! Relay for Life is a cancer walk where teams (church groups, schools, families, businesses, etc.) participate in walking around a track (NOT RUN). It’s a wonderful community event where people unite to honor cancer survivors and warriors (those currently battling cancer) and to remember those who have lost the battle to this vicious disease. People of all ages come together for the common goal of raising money for the American Cancer Society. Relay for Life is filled with community spirit, fun, remembrance, and fellowship. Lori Walker has graciously volunteered to organize a Relay team for Mt. Harmony-Lower Marlboro United Methodist Church. Call now to be part of the Mt. Harmony-Lower Marlboro Team or if you have any questions, call Lori at 410-257-5153 or Kathy Smith (Relay for Life, Calvert County Team Captain Coordinator) at 301-855-3865.
Nashville-based Soles4Souls facilitates the donations of both new and used shoes, which are used to aid the hurting worldwide. Soles4Souls annual Barefoot Campaign (week in June), features hundreds of concurrent shoe drives, fun runs and walkathons, retail trade-in events, concerts and festivals. This unique participation program has been adopted by thousands of supporters as a simple way to raise awareness and fund the charity’s program. Mt. Harmony-Lower Marlboro UMC no longer does the shoe donations because of shipping costs, but sends a monetary donation. To learn more about this mission, contact Cindy Holsworth at 410-286-8556 or email
Mt. Harmony/Lower Marlboro UMC provides financial gifts with six “Special Sunday Mission Offerings” throughout the year to help work with communities, rebuild shattered lives, strengthen self-sufficiency, encourage partnerships, nurture Native American Ministries, model peace and justice, provide scholarships and loans for United Methodist Students and much more.
Human Relations Day Offering in January
One Great Hour of Sharing Offering in March
Native American Ministries Offering in April
Peace With Justice Offering in June
World Communion Offering in October
United Methodist Student Day Offering in November
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is the not-for-profit global humanitarian aid organization of the United Methodist Church. UMCOR is working in more than 80 countries world wide, including the United States. Our mission, grounded in the teachings of Jesus, is to alleviate human suffering—whether caused by war, conflict or natural disaster, with open hearts and minds to all people. UMCOR responds to natural or civil disasters that are interruptions of such magnitude that they overwhelm a community’s ability to recover on its own.
We are able to respond through UMCOR for any specific distress situation and one-hundred percent of every contribution goes to the project designated by the giver for the victims. This type of giving through our Mt. Harmony/Lower Marlboro UMC from you is called an ADVANCE SPECIAL, a “second mile” giving and is always voluntary. Remember, each time we have a distressed situation in our world, you can feel assured that our UMCOR will be there to help the people so devastated.