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Pastpr Faith

The Offering Plate Reaches the World

When you give on Sunday morning, your dollar really reaches the world with Christ’s grace. In 2015, here was your breakdown for every dollar in the offering plate.

33 cents: missions both locally and globally (Good Neighbor Project, Send-a-Kid to Camp, Souper Bowl, Harmony House and the global UMC missions)

27 cents: Pastors’ salary, medical and pension

17 cents: Operating Costs

11 cents: Utilities on all buildings

10 cents: Staff salaries

2 cents: Program expenses for bible studies and curriculum.

Of course, the blessing of how God multiplies these pennies through the ministry of the local church is what we cannot tally on paper. Many lives changed because of our dedication to the work of ministry before us and our connection to the work of United Methodists worldwide. Enjoy reading this year end report.

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