Calvert Churches Community Food Pantry: Our church gave $8,773.56 and 716 pounds of food. Note that a letter of thanks from Ben Sturgis received on January 17, 2016 thanks us for our generous contributions.
Red Bird Mission: $2,655.58 through offerings and a Wednesday Night Meal
Relay for Life: $1,242.65 through donations, cake walk and fundraising
Safe Nights: 516 hours volunteering by 80 people Board of Child Care Auxiliary: $759 World Reader: $693 raised through online donations see article from UMCOM news
World Wide Communion Offering: $693 UM Student Day in November $65
UMCOR Disaster Relief Nepal $50
Project Echo: $800 Human Relations Sunday $645 Henderson Settlement: $300
Send-a-Kid to Camp: $3,200
Book Bag Mission: $3,400 for local schools plus donations in kind. Native American Sunday $265
One Great Hour of Sharing $907