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Writer's pictureRev. Faith Wilkerson

Congregational Profile 2022

CONGREGATIONAL PROFILE - Mt. Harmony-Lower Marlboro UM Church

1. List and discuss three of the current strengths of your congregation:

  1. Serving Others through Meals Ministry: For decades, MHLM has been known in the wider community for serving neighbors in need. The monthly ministry of Good Neighbor delivers food through partnership with other UM Churches. Our church is a premier supporter Calvert Area Food Pantry, both financially and with our many adult volunteers. Our ministry of meals includes weekly dinners and sympathy meals for families in loss.

  2. Youth Ministry: Since the launch of after school ministries in 2015, our youth ministry has grown into a year-round program of leadership development as well as faith-building. Our current high schooler have benefited from the committed attention of our church leadership to grow our family ministry. Youth meet weekly in youth group, special events, assisting with dinners and they look forward to the annual camping and retreat ministry at Ligonier PA.

  3. Children's Ministry. Our children’s ministry includes strong involvement of children in worship, music, the Community of Christ Players, bible study and service projects. The mid week ministries of Kids Bible Academy and Wesley School have rounded out the faith formation opportunities for children ages 3-12.

2. List and discuss three critical needs of your congregation:

Our church council and ministry areas recognize the need to incorporate newer families into leadership. Our trustees have seen increase building issues over the last years. Our congregation has expressed in a recent survey the need for adult Bible studies, small groups and fellowship opportunities. Pastor shares the many of the older church members feel overlooked and the Stephen's Ministry (once a support to her pastoral care coverage) has not come back strong since pandemic.

3. Check any issues within the congregation that need to be addressed:

- No Issues

If you selected any, please explain:

4. What is the vision for the congregation and community over the next 3-5 years?

The vision in 5 years is that our 100+ year old churches at LM and MH will continue hold vibrant with worship services that surpass our pre-pandemic average of 125-140. Looking ahead, our Community Hall at LM holds the potential to be an active ministry center all year round. We envision continued commitment to serving our neighbors, children and youth while ministering to an aging population.

After conducting a feasibility study for the expansion of The Wesley School into our parsonage, we learned our property cannot expand grade levels. However, our current approach is to partner with other churches to offer our unique gospel-based, developmentally appropriate education for children that connects them to the love of God, neighbor and the natural world.

5. How will the congregation and pastor work in collaboration towards accomplishing the critical needs and issues?

The Trustees have been addressing maintenance issues at each of our buildings. In the next years, the Trustees will continue with ongoing repairs and upgrades. The Pastor and congregation will need be intentional in inviting new members into leadership and equipping persons for their discipleship journey of serving others.

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