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Ending 2021 with an Attitude..

Writer's picture: Rev. Faith WilkersonRev. Faith Wilkerson

I recall last year how we often complained that we just wanted 2020 to end. It had been a year of challenges, hardships, sorrows and stress on every front. We desired to 'turn the calendar page".

This year, let's end with an attitude of gratitude. We have blessings in the midst of the pandemic. After 18 months of global hardship, we have come to new appreciation for what truly matters in life. Let's end 2021 with gratitude.Year 2020 may be one we wanted to quickly slam the door on.. but 2021 is a door we can slowly close with awareness of God’s blessings. We can end the year with an attitude of gratitude.. rather than just an attitude. We take Jesus’ direction and be not troubled, but believe in God til the end.

In the next weeks leading up to Christmas, I invite you to experience the season of Advent as you ready your heart, mind and life for the arrival of the birth of the Christ Child. What a gift to end our year with, the birth of Hope, Joy, Peace and Love. Join me starting on Sunday November 28, as we move through a hectic, holiday season without becoming weary. Let’s end 2021 with an attitude of gratitude.

In addition to worship, I invite you to prayerfully consider the following

- Support the Ministies of Mt Harmony-Lower Marlboro by making an end of year gift to assure that we end our fiscal year "in the black". In 2021, we did not always meet our monthly operational goal of $24,000. An end of year gift would bless us to start 2022 strong.

-Attend A Mid Week Worship: On Wednesday nights, we continue our 30 minute Vespers with Pastor in the sanctuary. This worship time has grown to become an important part of parishioners faith life, as they find the evening vespers reflective, simple and spirit-filled. - Reserve Your Seat for The Star Presented on our reception/stage at Mt Harmony. We transform the space into a 1940’s roadside café where our actors perform the classic Twelfth-Night story of “The Star”. Get your tickets in advance. All proceeds to benefit outreach ministries for youth. $20 admission- includes dessert & beverage. Fri. Jan. 7th 7:30PM / Sat. Jan. 8th 2:00PM matinee or 7:30PM evening / Sun. Jan 9th 2:00PM Recommended 8 years+ For information, call Jackie (443) 481-7022. Tickets can be purchased on-line

- Attend a Wednesday Night Dinner after months of not being able to assemble, many of us have appreciated the return of our Community Dinner. Our open table is for all persons, no matter their church affiliation. It is attended by families, seniors, and all ages. Dinner is held from 5:30-6:30 with worship to follow.

- Attend the UM Women Christmas Tea on Saturday, December 11 from 1:00PM - 4:00PM This joyful time of tea with the ladies is certain to be fun filled. RSVP to Linda Norris

Advent is about “making room” spiritually by cultivating an abundant inner life. May these activities and suggestion open you to ways to end the year with gratitude, recognizing the blessings and appreciating all that God has bestowed.

I give thanks that Mt Harmony-Lower Marlboro is a church community that is steadfast through every challenge, our spiritual home that we can trust to be there for us no matter where we are on our journey. God is with us!

Pray More, Worry Less,

Rev Faith Wilkerson

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