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Worship 2024

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   We Welcome       Pastor Kate

Pastor Kate Snyder graduated from the State University of New York (SUNY- New Paltz) with degrees in education and theatre arts. She went on to complete a master’s degree in Special Education at Johns Hopkins University.

She has provided educational, behavioral and advocacy services for children through young adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) for 35 years. For 19 years, Kate was a special education teacher in Anne Arundel County Maryland, where she provided services for children from birth through early adolescence. Currently she is providing services to young adults with ASD.  She is assisting them to launch into adult hood by providing help with executive functioning skills, life skills, and social skills.  

Kate has been a Methodist for the past 35 years.  She has served in a variety of capacities in a small church including, Administrative Council member, SPRC member, Worship team member, VBS Director, Bible Study leader, and Youth Ministry assistant.  She has maintained membership in the church choir throughout her time as a Methodist and loves to sing.  

Kate received her call to Ministry approximately six years ago.  She has attended classes at Wesley Seminary and is in the process of working on her Course of Study as a Licensed Local Pastor.  Kate has also completed all of the requirements for Certified Lay Speaker standing and has been a Lay Leader for over 10 years.  Kate is currently serving a small church and has led the congregation in efforts to reach out to the surrounding communities including a homeless ministry.  Kate has a heart for the least and the lost and champions the causes of mental health and wellness.

Personal statement:  I am so excited to walk this journey with the good people of Mt. Harmony- Lower Marlboro United Methodist Church.  With God’s grace, we will have a Spirit filled and fruitful journey.

To God be the Glory. Many Blessings, Pastor Kate Snyder

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