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Address for Mailing:
155 E Mt Harmony Road
Owings, MD

Phone for Church Office 
Church Offices are located at 155 E. Mt Harmony

Our Pastor


Our YouTube Channel   (view)
"Mt Harmony United Methodist"


Our Facebook Page (view)


Our Church Staff
Kathy Bone,  Pianist
Judy Jenkins, Sexton

Julie McGaughran, Director of Family Ministry

Jennifer Frank, Secretary

Our School Staff
Phone For The Wesley School - 410.257.0642
See Listing from Wesley School Website


Nominated Leadership Chairs (as of 2022)
Church Council Chair, Jon Leavitt
Lay Leader, Jon Leavitt 
Church Treasurer, Roberta McGaughran 
Finance Chair, Julian Ball
Trustee Chair, Mark Kromer
Staff Parish Relations Chair, Ellen Dixon




Our Facebook Page
Like Us at


Our Church Ethos

"Pray about Everything. Worry about nothing. Walk in Faith and find a friend for the journey. For we are blessed to be a blessing! " We end each worship service with these words of encouragement that remind us that we never walk alone in faith, even when we feel otherwise. God is present through the Holy Spirit and provides us with Christian companions for life's journey. We expect everyone to seek to grow in relationship with God and other church-goers by walking in faith together.


Our Church Mission Statement

We seek to be like Jesus Christ as faithful servants ministering to one another, the community and beyond.



United Methodist Beliefs
Just as creeds such as the Apostles' Creed summarize the belief of all Christians, we have foundational documents unique to United Methodism. See UMC Website for More Information.



One Church. Two Locations. (Well, actually three..)

If you know the history of Methodism, you will understand how we arrived at having two locations for worship plus a seperate community building called "The Hall" at Lower Marlboro. We hold worship every Sunday at the chapels and we use the hall for community dinner theaters, yard sales, after school programs and more.


Our History:

Our history goes back to the mid-1800's when the Methodist movement was spreading across the area. Many of the area United Methodist churches started out as house churches that would be visited by a traveling pastor or "circuit rider." In 1882, the Smithville circuit, consisting of three churches -- Smithville in Dunkirk and Mt. Harmony, and Lower Marlboro in Owings -- was organized. After 98 years as a three-church charge, Smithville became a separate station on July 18, 1980.  The two remaining churches became known as Mt. Harmony-Lower Marlboro United Methodist Charge.  In 1994, the charge was reconstructed as a blended parish with Reverend Russell McClatchey as the pastor.  In September 1997, Mt. Harmony United Methodist Church celebrated their 150th anniversary.




One Church -  Two Locations

Mt. Harmony    

155 E. Mt. Harmony Rd   
Owings, MD

Lower Marlboro
6519 Lower Marlboro Lane   
Owings, MD

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